Travel at low prices by BlaBlaCar bus


  • How do I book a bus ride on BlaBlaCar?

    It's quick and easy to book a bus ride online! Simply tell us your destination, which day you would like to travel and the number of passengers travelling. Click on Search to find the most convenient bus ride for you. Just like that you can book a bus ticket on BlaBlaCar.

  • Why travel by bus?

    Travelling by bus is cheap, comfortable and reliable. With hundreds of destinations to choose from, our buses will take you practically anywhere! You can book your next bus ride directly on our mobile app, and manage your booking directly from your phone.

  • How much does it cost to travel by bus?

    Travelling by bus is more affordable than most other transport options. On BlaBlaCar we want to offer the best prices, so that you can travel for less. Search for your next bus ride now to discover all our great deals!

  • Do I have to print my bus ticket?

    In most cases, you don't need to print your bus ticket. You will receive a copy of it by email. Depending on the bus company indicated on your ticket, you will have the option to print your ticket or present your e-ticket before boarding.

  • Can I choose my bus seat?

    When you book a bus ride, you will be given an assigned seat number, which is specified on your bus ticket and sent to you by email. For some specific lines and destinations you can choose which seat you would like to book for a small extra fee.

  • How do I cancel my booking?

    If you change your mind, you can cancel your bus booking within the timeframe specified in the terms and conditions of the bus company.

Use our tools to improve your experience

View live updatesTrack the progress of your BlaBlaCar bus in real time.
Manage your bookingsEasily cancel or modify your booking in just a few clicks.

Enjoy a better travel experience with the BlaBlaCar app

All your rides and tickets in one place, up-to-date info and exclusive mobile-only features.